Edge of Nowhere (?????) Edge of Nowhere is a delightful blend of verbal and physical humour performed by Rajyashree Ramamurthi. Her costume is part disco-shiny gauze top with traditional Indian henna and nose ring, and her movements mix contemporary dance with Odissi-influenced stamping and sliding eyes. Casually dismissive of the ‘Alexander guy’ she goes to see about her appalling posture, she goes on a journey to find herself as a dancer and the meaning of life, all with tongue-in-cheek insouciance. Composer/choreographer Billy Cowie’s second piece – Edge of Nowhere – is whimsy with a metaphysical wink. Indian dancer Rajyashree Ramamurthi divulges incidents from her own past that reveal an impish curiosity, and a self-willed streak. Even as we chuckle, Mansholt’s sketch-pad drawings melt into more abstract imagery, Cowie’s music and choreography take on cadences of Odissi tradition and Ramamurthi dances with an expressive vitality that brings home to her – and us – how art can feed into the very centre of our being. Mary Brennan, Glasgow Herald, 28 Aug 2015
Edge of Nowhere, both created for and performed by Indian dancer Rajyashree Ramamurthi, is more light-hearted and is structured around a series of edifying short stories apparently from Ramamurthi’s life. Each story is accompanied by its own short dance piece, Cowie’s choreography inspired by Odissi, one of the oldest surviving classical dance forms of India. Ramamurthi’s stories, which have been pre-recorded, are very amusing and delivered charmingly, Ramamurthi lip-syncing to the audio. The choreography is in some ways simple, but is nevertheless highly effective and expertly realised by Ramamurthi.