Jenseits is a 12 minute dance solo/duet
choreographed by Billy Cowie and danced by Oxana Panchenko. It is based around Cowie's poem Beginnings and Endings -
Anfänge und Enden
Wir werden gehen, du und ich,
Hand in Hand
Dorthin, wo
Anfänge und Enden
Treffen Sie für Geplauder
Dorthin, wo
Regen läuft
ausgestreckten Armen
Richtung Boden
Aber nicht umarmen sie herzlich
Dorthin, wo
umgestürzten Stühlen
markieren einen Ansturm auf die Tür
Dorthin, wo
Kontinente kollidieren
Doch weigern sich zu entschuldigen
Dorthin, wo
Winde sind - nie gesund
Nie gesund.
Beginnings and Endings
We will walk, you and I,
Hand in hand
To where
Beginnings and endings
Meet for small talk
To where
rain runs
arms outstretched
towards the ground
But does not embrace it warmly
To where
overturned chairs
mark a rush for the door
To where
continents collide
But refuse to apologise
To where
winds are never well
Never well.
The dance takes place on two vertical (virtual) white ladders spaced so one can hardly view both dancers at once. The ladders on the one hand are symbolic of transition and death (Jenseits, the other side, beyond, also refers to the afterlife in German) but also function choreographically by defining the spaces the dancers inhabit in a similar way that a musical scale allows the listener to interpret melody. A paired series of visual images by the German artist SIlke Mansholt are projected onto the dancers, ladders and background progressing throughout the piece to blackness.
premiere at Art Museum Rivoli as part of Festival Teatro a Corte 22 July 2012
cinema presntation at B Roy Cinema Gothenburg as part of Shoot Festival Nov 2012
The work can be presented by itself or as part of various groupings of installations (eg Stereoscopic Trilogy alongside Art of Movement and Dark Rain)
choreography - Billy Cowie
dancer - Oxana Panchenko
drawings - Silke Mansholt
directed – Billy Cowie
Oxana Panchenko is a Ukrainian dancer. She has danced with English National Ballet, Munich Ballet, City Ballet of London, George Piper Dances and Adventures in Motion Pictures. She has performed choreographies by Twyla Tharp, Hans Van Manen, Wayne Sleep, Russell Maliphant, William Forsythe, Michael Clarke etc. In 2001 she won the Award for Outstanding Performance Time Out and in 2003 the Outstanding Female Classical Artist National Dance Award.
commissioned by Teatro a Corte and South East Dance

Technical Setup for Installation
2 HD Media Players (which we provide) with HDMI output and stereo phono
sound output
2 Video projectors on stands (high definition 1920x1080 native) venue provides with
HDMI input capable of projection at 90 degree angle
Stereo sound system venue provides
A room with smooth white wall (4.5 metres by 2.5 metres for life size
– can be smaller) or white screen with no light coming in to the
Audience wear cyan/red glasses which we provide.
The piece can also be presented on a large (at least 1m) high def LCD
or plasma screen (1920x1080)