Four MPEG 2 films run in quicktime on four computers (eg 4 iBook G4 700Mhz
Macintosh Computers).
These are started simultaneously using four wireless mice. They are linked
to four Video/Data Projectors projecting four six-foot square projections on
a white wall or screen. The audience views the work wearing Red/Green anaglyphic
stereoscopic glasses. The films run for 25 minutes and then loop endlessly.
The audience may enter and leave at any point on the cycle (ie there is no
beginning or end to the piece). The sound from the four computers is mixed
in a small 6 into 2 sound mixer and fed to a normal stereo sound system.
The above specification is for a gallery type presentation – if space
and time are not available the piece can be presented in a theatrical context..
This would be with a seated audience with a once through screening of duration
25 minutes. Four projectors and four computers would still be needed.
Divas Dance Theatre has purchased four laptops to screen the work. If not in
use at another venue these may be hired from them for the presentation.
Divas can supply the Red/Green glasses which should be returned after the presentation
The DVD can be played on a normal DVD system however it is designed
to be played back on a computer DVD (eg laptop) for best 3D.
The DVD contains four extracts from the piece. Two show the four screens
in miniature to give an idea of the interaction of the four men (with greatly
reduced visual quality) and two show the full screen versions of two of the
men. Email your address to request a copy of the dvd..