El Puñal entra en el Corazón (1992)
Cast: Liz Aggiss and Daphne Scott-Sawyer Live Music: Billy Cowie (accordion), Deborah Hay (guitar) Lucy East (cello) Costume Tig Evans. Lighting Robert Clutterham. Commissioned by The Royal Festival Hall London, El Puñal entra en el Corazón is a thirty-five minute performance based on texts by the Spanish writer Gabriel García Lorca. The work explores Lorca’s macho world and the romanticism of death. Premiere 20th January 1992 The Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. ‘Liz Aggiss and Bill Cowie’s contemporary creation on the other hand – El
Puñal entra en el Corazón– (The Dagger enters the
Heart) to texts by Lorca – has equally clearly and consciously
been informed by feminist thought. The emotions here – machismo
passion expressed through a striking series of sequences involving a
blood red cushion, blood
red flowers and elongated blood red fingers – are not only expressed
but questioned’ 'the unflinching intensity of Aggiss’s performance
and her absorbing portrait of brute strength finally reduced to tears
of blood, made
for compulsive viewing’ References for El
Puñal entra en el Corazón Constanti,
S. (1993 June 9). Dancing Divas The
Guardian Arts
Section 3-4 RE ( 11.10.93) Lektion in Tanzgeschichte Salzberger Nachrichter Extracts
available of the studio version, on DVD, in the book ‘Anarchic
Dance' by Liz Aggiss, Billy Cowie with Ian Bramley (Routledge) |