Live Performances
The Wild Wigglers
Grotesque Dancer
Torei en Veran Veta Arnold!
Dva Sa Momimomuvali
Eleven Executions
Stations of the Angry
Dorothy and Klaus
Die Orchidee im Plastik Karton
La Petite Soupe
Drool and Drivel They Care!
French Songs
Vier Tanze
El Punal entra en el Corazon
Cafeteria for a Sit-Down Meal
Falling Apart at the Seams
No Man’s Land
Hi Jinx
The Fetching Bride
Dead Steps
Banda Banda
La Soupe
The 38 steps
The Surgeon’s Waltz
Rice Rain
Screen Dance
Beethoven in Love
Motion Control
Anarchic Variations
Screen and Performance Installation
Scripted to within an Inch of Her Life
Men in the Wall
Anarchic Dance edited by Liz
Aggiss and Billy Cowie with Ian Bramley (Routledge 2006)
a list of interviews and profiles